Sunday, April 19, 2009

VST-XML Translator v1.0.3 Release

VST-XML Translator v1.0.3 (Win/No OSX Yet) (download)
*Note, you must install the NET 2.0 Re-distributable. first.

There are a lot of new features in this release!

  • BWAV Support (fixes divide by 0 errors)

  • Clipboard monitoring Toggle (On/Off), as some users did not want their Ctrl+C operations to create files

  • You can now choose your auto copy location! It defaults to desktop, but can be changed

  • Auto Copy on Ctrl+C Toggle (On/Off)

  • Auto Copy on Drag and Drop Toggle (On/Off)

  • Trim operation now senses if file is full length and copies (this fixes the full clips not showing on Auto Copy)

  • Smaller footprint! The old Translator was 200KB, this version is 16KB

  • Faster copy and trim operations, with removal of standard Windows Copy dialog

  • Auto increment naming of files test.wav if auto copied or trimmed becomes test_1.wav, instead of the "trimmed" suffix.

  • Sample rate column now shows BitDepth as well

Very simple, highlight a selection or region(s) in the edit window, copy or drag to the translator, and new files are created based on the sample start and end associated with the region. The files get created in the folder of the originating file for the time being. You can then drag the trimmed files from the translator to your desktop, sample player, etc (view the screenshot)!

For users with the desktop workflow, the trimmed regions automatically post to the desktop on drag. Just highlight then drag to translator, and the trimmed files are created on the desktop! You can also set the location of your auto drop operations to folders other than the user desktop!

I am still working on getting this program as solid as possible, so please inform me of any issues that you have come across, or any features that you would like to see implemented.

I am working on wav64 parsing and aif parsing as well, for those who are curious as the translator does not support these two formats as of yet.

If this has made your day...make sure to let others know, leave a message, donate! :-)



  1. Hi, just instaled 1.0.3, but having no luck with drag & drop to Battery 3. I get the 'no access' icon when I try to o this. Would LOVE this to work. I did have problems installing NET 2.0 (incompatible with existing installation). Could this be the reason?

    Many thanks for your time on this


  2. Steve,

    I had this same issue early in the development phase, there is an update to Battery 3 and Kontakt, download the latest updates and it should work perfectly. Are you on vista? If so, you don't need to install .net 2.0. If VST-XML translator is running already then you more than likely have it installed as it won't run if it isn't installed.

  3. Hi Mau,

    this tool is incredible, it is disappointing to see how audio files with hitpoints can only be properly dragged into Groove Agent One, not even Halion 3.5 works that way natively. Steinberg have crippled workflow massively. And you have set us free! Thanks

  4. Awesome, haven't been on here in a while. But I am glad to see that this little tool has helped so many. Thanks for the kind words!

  5. Great tool. I'm using it with Maschine.

  6. I use it all the time.

    A feature request: read Cubase audio files from default library.

    The Steinberg audio library (that comes with cubase and other steinberg addons) seems to not work. I am not sure if this because they encrypt the audio files or not.

    the path to the files looks like this:

    vstsound:\\B6F72139A24B4B328A24B437E3AFF4C3\Audio Files\01 116 Hammer Drums-a.wav

    and when you add them to cubase, it just creates a normal wav in the project folder.
